Rune Solvang · List of works

Opus Title (English translation) Instrumentation Duration Composed 1st performed
65 Antiquity Piano, drums 36' 2023-24 [1]
64 Scenic Suite Trumpet, el-guitar, el-bass, drums 25' 2023 [2]
63 City Tones Carillion 21' 2022  
62 Living Room Alternative instruments 11' 2022 2022-06-22
61 Ripples in a Pond Piano, alternative instr. 7' 2021 2021-10-20
60 Procession of the Species Picc.,, b.kl., bsn., hr. / str. 10' 2021 2021-05-12
58 Landfall Piano 20' 2020 2020-10-28
56 Steet Life Piano 10' 2019 2018-05-24
55 Legend no. 1-5 Piano, drums 28' 2018-20 2018-10-04
54 Cosmic Energy Piano, drums 7' 2018 2018-05-24
53 Skullfucking Narrator, piano 38' 2018 [1]
52 Creative Zones Piano, drums, alternative instr. 17' 2016-17 [2]
51 Scenario no. 1-3 Piano 13' 2014-15 [3]
50 Workshop 2 pianos, spinet, keyboard, alternative instr. 5' 2014-15  
49 Piece for Steel Band Steel Band (oil drums, drums) 8' 2014  
48 Four Souls, One Thought 4 guitars 7' 2014  
47 Winds Flute, barytone saxophone, piano 7' 2013 2014-01-26
46 Flashmob Fl., as., ts., hr., trp., ba., el-guit., el-bass, dm., vib. 5' 2013 2014-04-03
45 Meditation no. 1-3 Piano 24' 2013-14 [4]
44 Symphony no. 2 · The World According to ... 3 3 3 3 / 4 3 3 1 / timp. perc. / cel. hrp. pno. / str. 43' 2013-17  
43 Exotic Flute, barytone saxophone, piano 8' 2012-13 2013-05-30
42 Night in the Underground 3 0 4 0 2as. ts. bs. / 4 3 3 1 / timp. perc. 7' 2012 2012-07-08
41 Fuss Barytone saxophone 7' 2012 2013-05-30
40 Tribal Dance Piano, 3 tom-toms 5' 2011 2011-10-20
39 The Red Suite Piano 26' 2010-11 [5]
38 Piano Concerto no. 4 2 2 2 2 / 4 2 3 1 / timp. perc. / pno. / str. 26' 2009-11  
37 Source of the Idea Piano 8' 2009 2009-04-23
36 Postcard from the Big City Cl., as., trp., synth., el-guit., el-bass, dm., perc. 7' 2007-08 2010-05-20
35 Multi Piano 13' 2007-08 2008-03-27
34 Concepts of the Enemies Flute, electronics 7' 2007 2007-02-23
33 Green Lung Accordion 7' 2006 2007-10-10
32 Moment Flute, alto saxophone, piano 8' 2006 2006-03-22
31 Rock Suite El-guitar, el-bass, drums 28' 2005-07 2007-10-09
30 Cultural Radical Entertainment Soprano saxophone, trumpet, accordion, doublebass 5' 2005  
29 Trio for Flute,Cello og Piano Flute, cello, piano 21' 2005-06  
28 Burning Point 3 clarinets, bass clarinet 8' 2004 2005-11-01
27 4 Clarinet, cello, marimba, piano 10' 2003-04 2006-11-05
26 Jungle Music Electronics 3' 2003 2003-04-05
25 See Me! See Me! 3 3 3 3 / 4 3 3 1 / timp. perc. / cel. hrp. pno. 9' 2002-03 2003-04-25
24 Storm in a Teacup Oboe, piano 10' 2002 2003-01-15
23 Day in and Day out Clarinet, organ, percussion 9' 2001-02 2003-01-17
22 Bakchanter Recorder, guitar, drums, choir (B) 11' 2000 2003-05-15
21 Flames Brass quintet 2' 1998  
20 The Mouse and the Elephant Piccolo flute, contra-bassoon 2' 1998 2004-03-01
19 Invasion String quintet 2' 1998 2003-10-01
18 War Ouverture 2 0 1 0 as. ts. / 0 2 1 0 / timp. perc. / pno. 6' 1998 2002-01-16
17 Odysseén Ouverture Piano, 2 percussion 5' 1997 1997-11-26
16 Mahler Variations Wind quintet 11' 1997-98  
15 Capriccio Esplosivo Cello 3' 1997 2003-10-01
14 False Alarm Trombone 2' 1997 2005-05-12
13 Symphony no. 1 · Space Symphony 3 3 3 3 / 4 3 3 1 / timp. perc. / cel. hrp. pno. / str. 35' 1997-99 [6]
12 Hornlygten Horn 2' 1997  
11 Sonate for Piano in one Movement Piano 8' 1997 1997-03-20
10 Fanfare Trumpet 2' 1997 2005-05-12
9 The Steinway Rhapsody Piano 6' 1997 1997-06-07
8 Down from the Clouds Basoon 2' 1997  
7 Mr. Mortensen's Ballad Flute 3' 1996 2005-05-12
6 Ionos Variations Clarinet 5' 1996  
5 A Small Rhapsody Oboe 2' 1996  
4 Piano Concerto no. 3 2 2 2 2 / 4 2 3 1 / timp. perc. / pno. / str. 27' 1996  
3 Piano Concerto no. 2 · The Football Match 2 2 2 2 / 4 2 3 1 / timp. perc. / pno. / str. 15' 1996  
2 Piano Concerto no. 1 · The Soldier 3 2 2 2 / 4 2 3 1 / timp. perc. / pno. / str. 15' 1996  
1 Suite in old Style Piano, (violin) 18' 1990-93  
  1. 1st and 2nd mvt.: 2024-06-13, 3rd mvt.: 2024-10-17
  2. 2nd and 3rd mvt.: 2023-08-09
  3. Legend no. 1: 2018-10-04, Legend no. 2 and 3: 2019-10-10, Legend no. 4: 2020-06-25, Legend no. 5: 2020-10-28
  4. 1st and 2nd mvt.: 2018-01-13
  5. 1st mvt.: 2016-05-12, 2nd mvt.: 2016-10-20, 3rd mvt.: 2017-05-18, 4th mvt.: 2017-11-16
  6. Scenario no. 1: 2014-11-17, Scenario no. 2: 2015-05-21, Scenario no. 3: 2015-11-12
  7. Meditation no. 1: 2013-10-09, Meditation no. 2 and 3: 2014-01-26
  8. 1st mvt.: 2010-09-09, 2nd and 3rd mvt.: 2011-05-26, 4th and 5th mvt.: 2011-10-20
  9. 1st mvt.: 1999-04-29, 2nd mvt.: 2000-01-06, 3rd and 4th mvt.: 2001-01-19
